Page 4 - 潍坊
P. 4


                     潍坊市地处山东半岛中部,辖 4 区、6 市、2 县和高新技术产业开发区、滨海

                 经济技术开发区和综合保税区 3 个国家级开发区。陆地面积 1.61 万平方公里,

                 海域面积 1421 平方公里,常住人口 937.3 万人。中心城区建成区面积 150 平方
                 公里,人口 214.5 万。

                    Weifang  City  is  located  in  the  central  part  of  Shandong  Peninsula,  governs  4  districts,

                 6  cities,  2  counties  and  3  national  development  zones,  including  Weifang  National  High-
                 tech Industrial Development Zone, Binhai Economic Development Zone and Comprehensive

                 Bonded  Zone.  Its  land  area  is  16,100  square  kilometers,  sea  area  1,421  square  kilometers,
                 and  9.373  million  permanent  residents.  The  central  city  area  is  150  square  kilometers  with  a

                 population of 2.145 million.
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